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Clean energy for EU islands

Giglio Island

Visual of bay in Giglio

Island facts

Exact population
Exact density
Exact surface dimensions
Local grid
Secretariat engagement

The island is one of seven that form the Tuscan Archipelago, lying within the Arcipelago Toscano National Park. Giglio means "lily" in Italian, and though the name would appear consistent with the insignia of Medici Florence, it originally derives from the Latin name of the island, Igilium.

The island is separated by a 16 km (10 mi) stretch of sea from the nearest point of the mainland, the promontory of Monte Argentario. Mainly mountainous, it consists almost entirely of granite, culminating in the Poggio della Pagana, which rises to 496 m (1,627 ft). Ninety per cent of its surface is covered by Mediterranean vegetation, alternating with large pine forests and numerous vineyards which allow the production of the local "Ansonaco" wine. 

Evaluating renewable energy sources is crucial for the island's energy shift, given its heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Given the limited photovoltaic capacity per person, exploring new installations is vital to enhance the islands' sustainability. Alongside renewable energy assessments, ensuring grid stability is essential for a smooth integration of renewable sources into the electricity mix, while efficient coupling with storage facilities is equally imperative. Italian islands encounter a challenging situation where EU and Italian policies advocate for renewable energy, yet investments in this sector are halted due to authorization issues at the National or Regional Level.

Plese note that the island of Giglio has jointly applied for the 30 for 2030 call with Giannutri | Clean energy for EU islands (